Synopsis of Human Nature
Written by TK
Kenny almost bowls a perfect game, but refuses to bowl the last frame and tells Ed that he's quitting the bowling alley. Kenny says he's done all he can at the bowling alley, and he doesn't want to bowl the last frame for fear of screwing up the perfect game. Phil starts interviewing new people to work at Stuckeybowl, but then a loud spitfire in a wheelchair named Eli Carwright Goggins III comes in and sends all the other candidates away. Eli tells them everything that's wrong in the bowling alley, and then says that he's been working bowling alleys all his life and they need him. They need him desperately. Ed decides to hire Eli, even though he finds out that all of Eli's references are false and he's never worked in a bowling alley at all. Phil is horrified when Ed tells him that while he can remain manager, Eli will now be the supervising manager.
Carol gets back from her summer vacation with Dennis and is furious with Ed for kissing her right before she left. Ed is hopeful when Carol admits that she hasn't told Dennis about the kiss, and when Dennis proposed to her in the Painted Desert she didn't say yes. Carol tells Dennis about the kiss, and Dennis is understanding, but he later challenges Ed to a duel. Ed tells Carol he thinks Dennis is wrong for her, but Carol defends her relationship. Carol mopes about fighting with Ed, and finally Dennis gives up and says he's going to Minnesota, because he can't stand her waffling back and forth between himself and Ed. Carol stops him by suggesting they get married and Dennis agrees.
Mike is amazed when he gets five mysterious letters in black envelopes with correct predictions of which teams will win future baseball games. Then he gets a sixth letter with a promise of a sixth prediction for $250 sent to a post office box. Mike not only sends the $250, but he uses the prediction to bet $3,000 on a baseball game. Mike is horrified when he loses, and he and Ed deliver a large blow-up raft to the mysterious post office box and then lie in wait for a person walking out of the post office with a blow-up raft. They bust the man, Jack Carmichael, who mocks Mike and says that there's nothing they can do to him. A minute later, Jack is arrested for fraud, and insists that Ed be his lawyer or he'll tell the whole town of Stuckeyville what an inveterate gambler Mike is. Ed defends Jack, and in the process begins to understand and appreciate the man, a psychologist who decided to make a little profit off his understanding of human nature. Ed manages to get Jack off free and clear of charges, and Nancy finally forgives Mike for losing $3,000 of their money.
Jack quickly figures out the Ed/Carol situation, and tells Ed that it's never gonna happen. Ed asks why. Jack says because Carol thinks she'd screw it up, and she doesn't want to take that chance. Suddenly, Kenny comes in and bowls the last frame of his perfect game. Kenny bowls a strike. Ed tells Jack that that's proof that Jack doesn't know everything about human nature.
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